Determination of optimal ratio for total digestible sulfur-containing amino acids to lysine in ross 308 broilers from 1 to 14 days of age

Từ khóa:
SID TSAA, SID Lys, Broiler, Ross 308, booster diets
Tóm tắt

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of increasing the ratio of SID TSAA to Lys in broiler chicks diets for 1 to 14 d of age on growth performance, efficiency of Lys utilization, caloric efficiency and carcass characteristics. In this study, 400 day-old straight-run Ross 308 broiler chicks sourced from a commercial hatchery were randomly allotted into 5 treatmentsfollowing a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The treatments used were five ratios of standardized ileal digestible (SID)total sulfur-containing amino acids (TSAA) to Lysine (Lys) in diet of 0.62, 0.68, 0.74, 0.80 and 0.86. There were 8 replicates per treatment with 10 birds in each cage.Result showed that increasing SID TSAA to Lys ratio improved (quadratic, P<0.05) day 14 BW, BWG, ADG, and FCR. Broilers fed the diet containing SID TSAA to Lys ratio of 0.80 had greater (P<0.01) BW, BWG, and ADG compared with those fed diets containing SID TSAA to Lys ratio of 0.62 and 0.86. Increasing SID TSAA to Lys ratio in the diets did not affect (P> 0.05) livability. No (P>0.05) significant differences were observed in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentrations across varying levels of SID TSAA to Lys ratios. Overall (day 1 to 33), BWG and ADG tended (quadratic, P=0.06) to be increased with increasing SID TSAA to Lys ratio in diets fed from day 1 to 14 of age. There were no (P>0.05) differences in FCR, livability across the levels of SID TSAA to Lys ratios. Carcass characteristics at day 34 of age did not (P>0.05) differ among the treatments regardless of the SID TSAA to Lys ratio in the booster diet.

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