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Số 116 (2020): Journal of Animal Science and Technology – Vol 116. October, 2020
Số 116 (2020): Journal of Animal Science and Technology – Vol 116. October, 2020
Journal of Animal Science and Technology – Vol 116. October, 2020
Số 116 (2020)
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In vitro
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Preliminary results of in vitro greenhouse gases production and feed digestion affected by different probiotic additions with rumen fluid of beef cattle as an inocculum source
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A response of nutrient intake, nitrogen retention and live weight change of Bach Thao goat fed dietary cabbage (Brassica oleracea) residues
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Effects of urea-lime treated rice straw on rumen fermentation efficiency, nutrients digestibility and microbial nitrogen synthesis in swamp buffaloes
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A response of feed utilization, nutrient digestibility, growth and economic return of crossbred rabbits to replacement of broccoli leaves (Brassica oleracea) to para grass (Brachiaria mutica) as a basal diet
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