Choose to create two lines of chickens LZ and ZL over 4 generations

LZ roosters, ZL hens, colored feathers

From two precious genetic resources, the indigenous Lac Thuy chicken and the imported VCN-Z15 chicken, by means of crossbreeding and oriented selection through 4 generations, the project has selected to create 2 lines of colored feathered chickens LZ and ZL. In the 3rd generation, the LZ male line had a body weight at 8 weeks of age of 941.07g, higher than the starting generation of 131.62g (an increase of 16.26%); the female reached 721.26g, 102.53g higher than the starting generation (up 16.57%); egg yield/hen/72 weeks old over 4 generations was stable from 126.90 to 127.91 eggs, feed consumption /10 eggs was 3.15-3.18kg. The 3rd generation ZL hens yielded 57.75 eggs/hen/38 weeks of age, 8.96 eggs higher than the original generation (increased 18.36%), the food consumption per 10 eggs was 2.75kg, hatching/incubation rate reached 78.23-80.41%.