in currently feeding directors by in vitro method

Passion fruit peel, OM digestibility, and In vitro gas production

Research with the aim of determining the nutritional value of passion fruit peel silage for dairy cows by in vitro gas production method. Rumen fluid was obtained from 2 HF crossbred cows that were perforated and fed diets according to NRC standards (2006). Total gas production at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after incubation was recorded to determine the fermentation behavior of the experimental feed. The results showed that the amount of gas generated at the time of incubation increased sharply at the time of 3h - 48h, then gradually decreased to 72h. ME and SCFA values were 10.2 (MJ/kg VC) and 1.1 (mmol/200mg VC), respectively. Thus, passion fruit silage has the same nutritional value as corn silage and can replace 20-40% dry matter, equivalent to 23.1 - 47.2% of the used form. of dairy cow rations.