Determining crude protein and metabolizabe energy levels in diet for Huba laying duck

Egg production, hatching rate, energy and protein requirement and Huba laying ducks

The purpose of the study was to determine the appropriate crude protein and metabolizable energy levels for breeding ducks Huba . This study was conducted to detemine the dietary CP and ME for optimal reproductive performance of Huba laying ducks. Using a 3x3 factorial arrangement of treatments, 972 ducks (810 females and 162 males) Huba laying duck breeders at 22 weeks of age were randomly assigned to experimental diets of 2800 (HME = high ME), 2700 (MME = medium ME), or 2600 (LME = low ME) kcal of ME/kg, each containing 19% (HCP = high CP), 18% (MCP = medium CP), or 17% (LCP = low CP) CP. Each dietary treatment included 3 replicates of 36 birds each. Results of experiment revealed that optimal concentrations of ME and CP in completed feed for Huba laying ducks were 2700 kcal/kg and 17.0% respectively. Compared among ducks fed the LCP, HCP and MCP diet, the egg production was not significantly different, compared with ducks fed the MME diet, the egg production was higher in ducks fed LME and not significantly different in ducks fed HME. Interactions were detected between ME and CP levels in egg production, and feed cost as the MMExLCP diet was the best (P < 0.05). At the treatment MMExLCP, egg production/hen/28 weeks of laying, FCR per 10 eggs, fertilized egg rate, type 1- chicks /hatching rate and hatching rate/total egg input were reached 120,60 eggs, 3.22kg, > 94%, > 82% and > 77%, respectively.


