Widely considered and survived that has been effeted by insulin like growth factors (IGF – 1) with animals

IGF – 1, immune response, digestion, absorption, neonatal period

Insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF – 1) therapy suggestion with fetus of animals to enhance safety response for young animal through nutrients transfers of host animal. Health indicators for prenatal period animals in immune availability, repairment of internal organs of body to remain on next productive cycles that is constant to be pathogens with least increase nutrient disorders after neonatal period. Young animal is required by nutritional needs that is balanced especially soon acceptance with feedstuffs sources which is better formation of IGF – 1 available next supply feed additives to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. Therefore, activated substracts in metabolism regulation of skeletal system of animal are enhanced during life cycle. After those events, all of animal species are being efficiently discarded to assistance factors with immune barriers function of endocrine system.