Growth and meat performance of HUBA duck commercial kept at Dai Xuyen Duck Breeding and Research Center

growth, meat, HUBA duck, commercial

To evaluate the growth and meat production ability of Huba ducks raised commercially at Dai Xuyen Duck Breeding and Research Center, an experiment was conducted with the number of chickens at 1 day of age: 10 ducks (5 males + 5 females)/ lot x 5 lots equivalent to 5 repetitions = 50 ducks (25 males + 25 females), survey commercial ducks at 8, 9 and 10 weeks of age, 10 ducks each time (5 males + 5 females). The results showed that: Huba ducks raised commercially have a high survival rate of 98%. The weight of Huba duck at 8 weeks of age was 2546,44g for the male and 2346,76g for the female, respectively. Feed consumption/kg weight gain for the whole period from 0 to 8 weeks of age was 2.52kg. The average amount of food for the whole period from 0 to 8 weeks of age is 6.04kg. The cost of feed/kg of weight gain from 1 day old to 8 weeks old was 32.51 thousand VND for both males and females. Carcass percentage at 8 weeks of age was 71.60% for males and 70.70% for females.