The effects of Herbiotic FS supplementation on food rations of pigs Duroc x F1(Landrace x Yorkshire) from 70 to 150 days

Carcass yield, Duroc x F1 (Landrace x Yorkshire, FCR, Herbiotic FS, weight gain

This study was carried out in the experiment farm of Bac Giang agriculture and forestry university in 2020 to evaluate effects of Herbiotic FS on the growth performance, meat productivity of Duroc x F1 (Landrace x Yorkshire). The experiment was designed in random method and repeated 3 times with 30 pigs from weaning (70 days) to 150 days for each time; these were randomly assigned into 3 groups: controls (no supplement), treatments 1 (supplementing 0.025% Herbiotic in mixed feed content) and), treatments 2 (supplementing 0.05% Herbiotic in mixed feed content). The results indicated that there was an increase on weight gain, average daily gain (ADG) of the pigs from 70 to 150 days old, resulting in the reduction of feed conversion ratio (FCR), reduction incidence of diarrhea in the experimental group. The result showed that the additional Herbiotic FS (0.025%) in pig’s feed improved 2.36% weight gain and 2.9% feed conversion ratio, pig’s diarrhea rate was 3.33% lower compared to the control. The additional Herbiotic FS (0.05%) in pig’s feed improved 5.32% weight gain; 3.73% feed conversion ratio and pig’s diarrhea rate was 4.45% lower compared to the control. At the end of experiments, 6 commercial pigs in each experiment were slaughtered to evaluate their carcass yiel. It had a good carcass yiel in terms of live weight, killing out percentage, carcass yield, pork back fast and and there was not significant difference among them. It is, therefore, recommended that using Herbiotic FS in diet could increase the growth rate, reduce FCR, reduce the incidence of disease.


