Determination organic matter digestibility and metabolic energy value of some feed raising buffaloes by in vitro gas prodution method

Digestibility; Metabolic energy value; Green forage; Dry forage; Concentrate; In vitro gas production.

The purpose of this study is to determine the organic matter digestibility and metabolic energy value of some buffalo feeds by in vitro gas production, including: Five types of green forage (VA06, king grass, P.Hamil, Decumbens and Ruzi) , three types of dry forage (dry straw, dry Decumbens và dry Ruzi) and three types of cereal feed (cornmeal, milled rice and rice bran) were used to determine nutrient value by using the in vitro gas production method. The results of the study showed that the the percnetage of dry matter, crude protein, crude filber, NDF, ADF of the green forage group are 15.52 - 22.58%, 7.99 - 12.14%, 26.17 - 30.83%, 58.91 - 67.65% and 26.05 - 33.93% respectively. These results in the dry forage group are 86.75 - 91.25%, 5.15 - 10.77%,   30.95 - 32.56%, 65.15 - 67.25% and 36.71 - 39.29% respectively.   The percentage of dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, NDF and ADF of the cereal feed group are 84.62 - 87.85%; 6.70 - 15.41%; 2.80 - 12.57%; 23.97 - 28.24% and 6.33 - 18.31%, respectively. The amount of gas produced gradually increased with incubation time which increased sharply in the first 24 hours in all three groups of green forage, dry forage and cereal feed group. In the green forage group, the amount of gas generated after 24 hours of incubation ranged from 27.91 to 30.64 ml. In the dry forage group, the amount of gas generated after 24 hours of incubation ranged from 22.87 to 27.04 ml and which in cereal feed group is from 40.67 to 49.17 ml.

The organic matter digestibility and metabolic energy value of the forage group are  from 54.54 to 56.58% and 6.05 to 6.89 MJ/kg DM, respectively. These results of the dry forage group is from 42.40 to 47.02% and  5.60 to 6.44 MJ/kg DM, respectively. The organic matter digestibility and metabolic energy value of the cereal feed group are from 57.51 to 64.18% and  8.25 to 9.58 MJ/kg DM, respectively.