Appearance characteristics and production capacityof BT and TB crossbred duck

BT crossbred duck, TB crossbred duck, super- dominant heterosis

To evaluate the appearance characteristics and production ability of two BT and TB crossbreds created from Daixuyen 15 - Sea ducks and mallards at Dai Xuyen Duck Research Center, an experiment was conducted with a population of 1 day-old age for each breed was 750 ducks (150 males and 600 females), divided into 3 plots, each plot including 50 males and 200 females were considered for 52 weeks of laying. The results showed that: the conformation of BT and TB crossbreds was in favor of egg-oriented ducks, the feather color of BT crossbreds was dark sparrow, wing tips were blue-black, dark black feathers running from the eyes to the top of the neckwhile the feather color of TB crossbreds was brighter than BT crossbreds with sparrow, blue-black wing feathers, bright colors tend to favor the feather color of Daixuyen 15 - Sea ducks. The BT and TB crossbreds have a super-dominantheterosis reproductive advantage over their parents, have an earlier laying age than their parent ducks, and their egg weight was within the average range of the parents. The survival rate of crossbredswas from 96.80 – 96.93%, the age at laying was 20-21 weeks of laying, the body weight at laying was 1628.90 – 1662.90 g/duck; egg performance was 266.87 – 275.22 eggs/hen/52 weeks of laying, feed consumption was 2.20 – 2.28 kg/10 eggs, egg weight was 70.94 – 71.61 g/egg with high egg quality criteria and within the standard range of breeding eggs. The indicators of hatching eggs were high. Egg production ability of BT, TB crossbreds was high, inclined to egg type duck. BT crossbred with high egg production therefore can be widely developed in production.