Productivity of the crossbred between LT1 and LT2 chicken lines

Bodyweight, feed consumption

The study evaluates the productionability of LT12 crossbreds between 2 lines (Cockline LT1 and henline LT2) aiming tore-evaluate the results of and the breed selection in creating 2 lines, and at the same time to determine the hybrid heterosis and yield indicators of the hybrid offspring. The study was carried out at Domestic Animal Experiments and Conservation Center. The experiment was arranged according to the method of plotting a completely randomized comparison with one factor: 50 birds/lot, with 3 times repeated. The results showed that LT12 crossbred chickens had a high survival rate of 95.33%. Bodyweight at 16 weeks of age of LT12 chicken was 1690.14 g. The heterosis of the hybrid in body weight over the average of parents was 4.12%. The FCR of LT12 crossbred chicken was 3.61 kg, hybrid heterosis was -3.09%.