Effect of temperature, relative humidity, light insensity and sound insensity level in swiftlet’s house on nest yield

temperature, humidity, light, sound insensity level, Bird’s nest yield, swiftlet’s house.

The arm of project is to determine the environmental parameters in term of temperature, relative humidity, light intensity and sound insensity level in swiftlet’s house to have the highest yield of bird’nest. The study was conducted in 19 Southern provinces, from January to June 2020. 647 Swiftlet’s houses were randomly selected. Surveyed indicators were included in the questionnaire and were recorded at farm. Results reveal that average temperature was 28.5°C (22-31°C), didn’t affect to the nest yield; Average humidity was 81.70% (68-91%), bird’s nest yield was the highest in the swiftlet house with humidity ranged from 79- 84%; Average sound intensity level inside the swiftlet’s house was 71.7dB, did not affect to the nest yield, however the nest yield tended to highest when the sound intensity was from 70-74 dB; Average light intensity was 0.24Lux, did not affect to the nest yield, but light intensity of 0.18-0.26Lux tended to give the highest nest yield. In general, the bird's nest yield reached highest (125 to 140 g/m2/year) when average temperature, humidity, light and sound intensity level inside the swiftlet’s house were 27.94 - 28.95°C; 81.26 - 84.83%; 0.18 - 0.20 Lux and 75.01 - 79.96 dB respectively.


