Rabbit production under global crisis of climate change and Covid - 19 pandemic

animal protein, drought, greenhouse gases emissions, outbreak, rodent, solution.

Under a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and jobs by the COVID-19 pandemic, the objective of this review paper is to introduce rabbit production as a good future perspective of food production with the widen urbanization areas, narrower agricultural lands and seriously epidemic diseases for animals and human beings. Rabbit production is easy to apply modernized and automatic systems with low water consumption, environmental pollution and producing areas. However it produces more meat products in a production unit compared to these of other animal species. Rabbit is an herbivore species, which produces lower greenhouse gases compared to ruminants. The COVID-19 pandemic caused health and human crisis threatening the food security and nutrition people around the world and its relation to rabbit outbreaks are also presented in this paper.

In recent years rabbit population continue to increase in the developing countries such as China, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc. for improving meat production by better use of green forages as compared to the developed ones. However in many farms in Italia, France, Germany, etc. the rabbit production is applied the modernized feeding systems and improved breeds with higher performance.With the increasing human population in the big cities, animal production systems in the urban areas to supply foods for them are necessary to change from the high to the low pollution, but higher yield and quality of products. Therefore a selection of animal species for raising to improve food production and human livelihood, and to adapt to negatively global changes is necessary.