Determining the apropriate time of slaughter for Mong chickens

Mong chicken, time of slaughter, breast meat thickness

The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate timing of slaughter on 100 Mong chicken from 1 to 36 weeks of age, numbered to follow individuals. Chickens are kept in captivity 1-8 weeks of age using mixed feed 3,200 ME / kg and 21% protein; 9-20 weeks of age, using mixed feed of concentrated feed and corn 3,199 ME / kg and 16.2% protein; and 21 - 36 weeks of age, using feed mixture  with corn 3,039 ME / kg and 12.38% protein. Research results show that, according to body weight, the Mong chickens can kill meat at 20 weeks onwards, then the weight is equivalent to the market-killing chicken with a carcass weight of about 1.5. kg. Based on the daily weight gain, the Mong chickens can be slaughtered from week 12 when the highest daily weight gain is estimated at 16.30 g / day. Based on breast meat thickness, Mong chickens can kill meat from week 24 onwards because the thickness of breast meat has reached the optimal level and remains stable. Based on the FCR, the Mong chickens should be slaughtered before 24 weeks of age because after this stage the feed consumption per kilogram of weight gain is very high above 16.56 kg; Based on crude and net profit also shows that Mong chickens should kill meat before 24 weeks of age, by this point both crude and net profit have been zero and gradually decreased in the following weeks. According to local tradition, Mong chickens are usually slaughtered between 22 and 28 weeks of age (50.43%). Synthesizing all the criteria, the hen that is around 24 weeks old is suitable when its body weight reaches 2438 g with an increase of 11.6 g / day, FCR 17.66 kg feed for kg increased weight,  breast meat thickness 18.86 mm and net profit 0.234 VND / day estimated from the regression function.