Appearance characteristics and ability for commercial chicken meat of 3 combinations of domestic chicken breeds MD1.BĐ, MD2.BĐ, MD3.BĐ

MD1.BĐ chickens, MD2.BĐ chickens, MD3.BĐ chickens, color feather chicken.

The study was carried out on Minh Du Poultry Breeding Limited Company, Huynh Mai, Phuoc Nghia, Tuy Phuoc, Binh Dinh. The objective is to assess phenotypic characterisation and grow ability as well as meat performance of MD1.BĐ, MD2.BĐ, MD3.BĐ chicken. A number of 300 chicken/crossbreed with 3 repeatations was observed. The results showed that at 13 weeks of age, the feather colour of MD1.BĐ and MD2.BĐ and MD3.BĐ cook were black red. The MD1.BĐ hens are light brown. MD2.BĐ and MD3.BĐ hens are dark gray and dark brown feathers. The color of the skin, beak and legs at 1 day and 13 weeks is yellow. The average survivability from 0 to 13 weeks of age was from 97.0 to 99.0%. The average body weight at 13 weeks of MD1.BĐ, MD2.BĐ, MD3.BĐ was 1,810.02g, 2,000.31g and 2,200.25g, respectively. Feed conversion ratio (PCR)/kg increased body weight at 13 weeks of age was from 2.22kg to 2.41 kg. Eviscerated carcass ratio, breast muscle ratio, leg muscle ratio, and abdoment fat ratio are 78.92%, 19.75%, 24.01% and 0.67% respectively. Carcass ratio of MD1.BĐ, MD2.BĐ, MD3.BĐ was 78.30%, 78.13% and 78.92%, respectively. Ratio between breast muscle and leg muscle of MD1.BĐ, MD2.BĐ, MD3.BĐ 42.77%, 42.19% and 42.01%, respectively.