Selectively create two lines of cane chicken over 4 generations

Body weight, egg production, Mia, selection

The study was conducted in Pho Yen Poultry research station in Thai Nguyen from 2017 to 2020. Mia chicken was selected as the initial material for the selection of the male line (GM1) and female line (GM2). The bodyweight of both lines was measured at 8 weeks old. Egg production of GM1 and GM2 was evaluated at 38 and 68 weeks old. At 8 weeks old, males of GM1 achieved the bodyweight of 862.09g/bird, increasing by 109.66g/bird compared to birds of the initial generation. Female of GM1 acquired 673.47g/ bird, more weight of 84.48g/bird was observed. Heritability of body weight at 8 weeks old was 0.43, genetic progress of male body weight was 29.01g/ generation and it was 26.07g/generation in the female birds. Egg production/bird/68 weeks old was 121.27 eggs at the second generation; feed consumption per 10 eggs was 3.47kg. The results from the GM2 line showed that the bodyweight of GM2 was 711.53g/ and 575.27g/bird in males and females respectively. Egg production/bird/38 weeks old was 55.36 eggs, increasing by 3.38 eggs/bird compared to the number of eggs of the initial generation; heritability of egg production was 0.27; genetic progress of egg production was 1.4 egg/generation. Egg production /bird/68 weeks old was 125.87 eggs at the second generation; feed consumption per 10 eggs was 3.34kg.