Choosing to create two lines of egyptian chicken over 4 generations

Choosing, AC chicken, egg yeild, egg weight

The topic was carried out at Thuy Phuong poultry research centre from January, 2017 to October, 2020. From the original Egyptian chickens materials were chosen and oriented in two lines: AC1 rooster line with enhancing egg yield and AC2 hen line with enhancing egg weight. The result through three choosing generations AC1 chickens had egg yeild per 38 weeks old of the third generation reached 85.35 eggs, higher than the first generation 5.86 eggs, the egg yeild per 72 weeks old of the second generation reached 205.79 eggs, higher than the first generation 3.02 eggs. The genetic coefficient about the egg yeild was 0.23±0.02 and the genetic achievement reached 1.96 eggs per one generation. The AC2 chickens had the egg yeild per 38 weeks old of the third generation was 75.91 eggs; the egg yeild per 72 weeks old of the second generation reached 195.09 eggs, the egg weight reached 46.26 grams, higher than the first generation 1.64 grams. The genetic coefficient and the egg weight were 0.28±0.01 and the gentic achievement reached 0.45 grams per one generation.