Kết quả đánh giá bước đầu khả năng thích nghi, sinh trưởng, sinh sản của đàn trâu đầm lầy Thái Lan nhập nội nuôi tại Bình Dương

Adaption, growth, reproductive, Swamp Buffalo.

The study was conducted on 48 Swamp buffalo cows at Ruminant Research and Development Center from January 2019 to May 2020 to evaluate adaption, growth and reproduction. They were imported from Thailand. The results showed that: They were able to climatic and feeding condition (Hematological and physiological parameters of buffalo were normal). There were no deaths and culling. The body weight of buffalo was 274.4 kg at 24 month of age, 362.7 kg at 36 month of age and 434.7 kg at 48 month of age. Age of first mating and weight at first mating were 32.3 month and 334.5 kg respectively. Age of first calving and weight at first calving were 43.5 month and 419.5 kg respectively.