Effects of Artificial Insemination Methods on Reproductive Performance of crossing (Mia cock × Luong Phuong hen)

Artificial insemination, Mia breed of chicken, Luong Phuong breed of chicken

This study was conducted to assess reproductive performance of crossing (Mia × Luong Phuong) of chicken by artificial insemination. Semen qualities of Mia chicken were surveyed on 9 mature chickens (30 weeks of age and 2.8 - 3.2 kg in weight) and 45 hens (30 weeks old, weighing 3.0 - 3.5 kg) were chosen. All experimentalMia and Luong Phuong chickens were characterized by appearance-characteristic features. The cocks of Mia breed were trained to exploit semen by hand massage and after each extraction the semen were assessed for quality (color, volume - V; motility- A; sperm concentration - C; VAC; and the percentage of abnormality sperm). Hens were artificially inseminated by direct delivery of semen into the hen’s vagina/oviduct.  Results of study showed that the cocks gained ejaculatory reflex right after the first time, 3 days and 5 days of training and the cocks without ejaculatory reflex were 44.44%, 33.33%, 11.11% and 11.11% respectively. Semen color was mostly milky white. Total straight moving sperms in an ejaculation was 1.47 billion. The dose and frequency of insemination only affected the embryonic prevalence rate (P <0.05), did not affect the rate of type I chicks / total hatched chicks (P>0.05). The rate of eggs with embryos and the rate of type I chicks with the frequency of insemination every 3 days with a dose of 0.05 ml / combination is the best, reaching 93.33% and 94.94%.


