Reproductive performance of pure breeds and crossbred Landrace and Yorkshire and hybrids of crossbred LY and YL

Landrace, Yorkshire, crossbred, reproductive performance, hybrid.

To evaluation of the reproductive performance of pure breeds Landrace and Yorkshire and their hybrids, the total of 3,258 litters of them from January 2016 to June 2019 in Pig breed station 1 Gia Khanh –Binh Xuyen – Vinh Phuc was collected to analysis. The result shows that Landrace, Yorkshire, crossbred LY, and crossbred YL had good reproductive performance. The total number born (NB) reached from 11.2 to 11.91 piglets/litter, total number born alive (NBA) 10.72 to 11.47 piglets/litter, number of pig weaned (NW) 10.08 to 10.89 piglets/litter, and litter weaning weight (LWW) 63.61 to 70.14 kg. The same traits in the reproductive performance of crossbred LY and YL were higher than those of pure breeds LL, YY (P<0.05). Besides, the reproductive performance of pure breed LL and YY was insignificant different and this trend was similar between hybrid LY and YL (P>0.05). Besides, the hybrid (%) in NB, NBA, NW, litter birth weight (LBW), and LWW of hybrid LY were 5.62, 6.47, 7.51, 2.75, 1.98, and 9.35%respectively higher than those of the hybrid YL. However, the survival rate and birth weight/piglet of the hybrid YL were 1.94 % and minus 2.58% higher than those of the hybrid LY. Using the LL boars as the commercial boar to mate with YY sows tended to be more effective in comparison with the inverse