Study on individuals and seasons effect on semen quantity and quality of Chiem Hoa Buffalo - Tuyen Quang

Chiem Hoa buffalo, Semen, Sperm, Quanlity, Quatity, Season.

The study was conducted on 05 bulls selected from the Chiem Hoa Buffalo. They are raising at Animal Husbandry Reseach and Development Center for Montainuos Zone (ARDC) - Institute of Animal Husbandry. The contents of the study include: semen production ability, individual effect and the effect of seasons on some quantitative and quality production indicators. The study was conducted from June, 2018 to October, 2019. The following indicators were done: semen volume (volume of semen in an ejaculation - V, ml); pH of semen; Sperm motility (A, %); Sperm concentration (C, billion/ml); Percentage of disable spermatozoa (K,%); The percentage of live sperm (Sg %).

The results of the study showed that: Chiem Hoa buffalo bulls had good semen production ability, semen ensure the quality to produce frozen semen straws. The data in average indexs are: The amount of ejaculate semen reaches 3.10 ml/time (varies from 2.57 to 4.22 ml); Sperm motility fluctuated 71.78 - 84.12%; The sperm concentration averaged 1.07 billion/ml; The ratio of of disable spermatozoa was 11.39%; The percentage of live sperm was 83.62%. Individuals and seasons have an effect on semen quantity and quality (P <0.05). The Autumn - Winter season, the buffalo semen has a higher quantity and quality than the Spring - Summer season.


