Results of animal genetic resources conservation in period 2010-2023

Animal genetic resources conservation, evaluation of genetic resources, genetic differences.

The conservation of livestock genetic resources has great scientific and practical value and has been implemented over a long period of time with the participation of many scientists with specialized scientific qualifications and enthusiasm. In the period 2010-2023, the National Institute of Animal Science has preserved 72 livestock genetic resources, 02 genetic materials and 6 bee genetic resources, investigated, collected and discovered, adding 26 indigenous livestock genetic resources to the list of livestock genetic resources that need to be prioritized for conservation. In particular, we have saved 06 native livestock breeds from extinction and have rehabilitated, selected, and domesticated them to bring back into production. In addition, a preliminary assessment of 61 genetic sources, a detailed assessment of 34 genetic sources and an assessment of genetic differences in 36 livestock genetic sources was conducted to provide information on appearance characteristics, production ability and analyzing livestock genetic resources using genetic technology to determine genetic differences between breeds and identify genes related to important economic traits as a basis for breeding and improvement and improve livestock productivity. 22 articles on the results of livestock genetic resource conservation were published in domestic specialized journals and 05 international articles.