Utilization of crop by-product options in smallholder cattle production systems in Vietnam

Từ khóa:
Beef cattle, crop by-products, feed, smallholder farmer, extensive system, intensive system
Tóm tắt
The most common system of beef cattle production is extensive grazing system (usually 1 to 2 head) that is practiced by smallholder farmers in Northern Mountains and Central regions, accounted for 70%-80% of beef cattle in Vietnam. This system requires little labour as farmers normally do not feed their cattle with compound, concentrate or manufactured. Seasonal crop by-products, e.g. rice straw, are often used to feed cattle at night, especially in the winter. Farmers generally use cattle for draught purposes and keep them as a source of savings. This low input system is characterised by low output and poor reproductive performance. However, to move cattle production system from extensive to semi-intensive and intensive systems, animal management, together with feed and feeding systems are needed to be solved. Based on a thorough review of the literature, it is important to understand the current animal, feed, shelter and health management practices in order to chart innovative directions and strategies for further beef cattle research and development in mountainous areas of Vietnam. Research priorities on beef cattle production should be concerned on feed, feeding and management of finishing (fattening) cattle, cow-calf production, weaned calf and pregnant cows to shift from extensive and more intensive systems.

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