Assessment of pig production in diffent ecological zones concerning to African swine fever disease

pig production, African swine fever (ASF)

The study was conducted from October to December 2020 within the framework of the project: "Investigation of pig production status after the occurrence of African swine fever" aimed to assess the current status of pig production in someprovinces belonged to 6 agroecological zones in the context of African Swine Fever (ASF). this study utilised both primary and secondary data for the evaluation. Of which secondary data were  collected from the Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development of the provinces, the Department of Livestock Production, the General Statistics Office, reports and studies of central and local units. Primary data were collected from in total of 758 pig farms and 46 agents in 47 communes, 18 districts of 7 provinces, using structured questionnaires. The results show that, the total number of pig in the whole country  at the time of the study reached 85.5% compared to that before ASF; the total pork output in 2020 reached 91.1% compared to that in 2019. Binh Phuoc, Dak Lak had higher restocking ratios than other provinces, with 114.4% and 102.5%. Ben Tre had the lowest restocking rate (48.8%). 93% of commercial farms and 92.2% for small-scale households are keeping sows. The average size of the sow herd of the commercial farm is 6.5 times higher than that of households. The percentage of farmers using crossbred pigs at the time of the survey  was higher than the that before ASF. The average number of fatteners in commercial farms and households experienced  a sharp decrease compared to before the epidemic (January 2019), reaching 70.8% and 41 %, respectively. 79.8% of investigated farms used complete industrial feed. 80.2% of commercial farms and 96.8% of surveyed households used open barns. The average weight of finished pigs at commercial farms were 105.5 kg/head at commercial farms and 96.1 kg/head at households.


