Appearance characteristic and production ability of Trau muscovy ducks

Trau muscovy duck, production ability, Domestic muscovy duck

The study was conducted at Thuy Phuong Poultry Research Station from 2019 to 2020. The topic commonly used conventional research methods in poultry production, aims to initially evaluate appearance characteristics, production capacity of Trau muscovy. The result showed that the (appearance characteristics at 01 day of age with black feathers, with 04 yellow dots on their backs, yellow necks, yellow bellies, black beaks, lead legs with black stripes running along the the leaf veins toes. Adult muscovy ducks have jet-black feathers, with 2 or without 2 white spots on wings, neck and abdomen black feathers arranged in fish scales, gray beaks with black lead legs with black stripes running along the toes in leaf veins, quick eyes, bright red crests. Their body weight at 8 weeks old male muscovy ducks reached 2030.78 g. Egg yield/a hen/a year reached 85.39 eggs; food consumption/10 eggs 7.15 kg. The percentage of eggs with embryos reached 95.45%.